When you partner with the OCH Foundation, you create opportunities for children, youth, families, seniors, and individuals living within OCH communities. You make a meaningful change within the Ottawa community. And you connect your brand to a trusted nonprofit that’s impacted thousands of individuals over the past decade.
We believe that collaboration is fundamental to creating authentic and systemic change. We build committed, reciprocal relationships with partners who share our vision and values.
We look for partners who can make a mutual commitment to empower, inspire and equip tenants of OCH with access to programs that enhance their quality of life and well-being.
The OCH Foundation for Healthy Communities is a registered charitable organization.
Registered Charity Number: 816590483RR0001
Please contact us about a partnership opportunity.
39 Auriga Drive, Ottawa (ON) K2E 7Y8
Phone(613) 618-9353
Charitable Registration # 816590483RR0001
OCH Foundation’s work in Ottawa takes place on the traditional unceded and unsurrendered territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe nation. As uninvited guests on this land, we acknowledge the leadership of Indigenous people from time immemorial.