November 25, 2023 | Ottawa, ON– A group of youth from the Ottawa Community Housing community of Lebreton Flats hit the roller-skating rink thanks to a $50,000 donation from the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa Foundation. The donation was provided to the OCH Community Housing Foundation in support of their recLINK program.
The funding dollars have supported the recLINK program which includes Pop in Play initiative –which provides space for youth to play, learn and grow by bringing activities to children where they live – or in this case bringing the children to the activity.
The announcement was followed by an evening of celebration. The OCH Foundation is grateful for the generosity of Kiwanis Club of Ottawa and looks forward to a continued partnership to support leveling the playing field for children and youth living in OCH communities.
Quick Facts
- In 2023, the OCH Foundation has successfully organized 22 vibrant Pop-In & Play events. With escalating demand, this significant contribution from Kiwanis Club of Ottawa Foundation becomes pivotal in scaling up the recLINK program.
- For every $1 donated to the recLINK program – staff are able to connect clients with $4.50 worth of recreation and sport – guaranteeing those funding dollars have an impact.
- There are 8,535 children and youth living in OCH communities – more than 5,000 come from single-parent households.
“We are very grateful for the funding from the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa Foundation. The generous donation supports the recLINK program bringing recreation programming to children, helping to create opportunities to play, learn and grow within our communities.”
– Angela Bégin, Executive Director, OCH Foundation
About the OCH Foundation
Committed to the 32,000 tenants living in Ottawa Community Housing, the OCH Foundation helps families, youth and children achieve personal success through education, employment, and community engagement projects. The Foundation has raised over 11 million dollars since its inception which has been redistributed through tenant focused programs and initiatives.
About Kiwanis Club of Ottawa
The Kiwanis Club of Ottawa works to improve the lives of children and youth by raising funds, investing where, when and how it is needed most and by delivering hands on community support for special initiatives.
About recLINK
recLINK connects youth ages 6-18 living in Ottawa Community Housing (OCH) neighborhoods with quality arts, sports, and camp programs. recLINK partners with community arts, recreation, and sport organizations to ensure young people from OCH can participate in the programs they are most passionate about. The recLINK model aims to affect change on three levels: individual, community and system through various interventions.
For additional information, please contact:
Briar Gornall, Communications and Engagement Coordinator
(613) 697- 0824