Annual General Meeting

June 18, 2024 

12:00 p.m.  – 12:30 p.m. 

Location:  39 Auriga Drive, Ottawa, ON  

12:00 p.m.    Welcome & Call Meeting to Order   Board Chair 
12.05 p.m.    Approval of Minutes of June 20, 2023 Annual General Meeting (Appendix A)   Board Chair 
12:10 p.m.    Presentation of Audited 2023 Financial Statements 
(Appendix B)  
Finance and Audit Committee 
12:15 p.m.    Approval of Audited 2023 Financial Statements 
(Appendix C)  
Board Chair 
12:17 p.m.    Appointment of Auditors for 2024 Fiscal Year 
(Appendix D)  
Board Chair  
12:20 p.m.    Board Nominations and Appointments 
 (Appendix E)  
Executive Director   
12:30 p.m.    Adjournment